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Folder 2019-06-22 Presbytery Meeting


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pdf Report 10a CPM Report 062019 (2782 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 99 KB)
pdf Report 12 COM Report to Presbytery 062019 (2899 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 237 KB)
pdf Report 12a Statement of Faith Margaret Crowl (2655 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 726 KB)
pdf Report 12b Statement of Faith Terry Buckman (2529 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 71 KB)
pdf Report 12c Statement of Faith Charles Packard (2469 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 114 KB)
pdf Report 12d Statement of Faith Deborah Church Worley (2381 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 638 KB)
pdf Report 14 CORP Report to the Presbytery 062019 (2490 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 88 KB)
pdf Report 18b Raton SARC report to the Presbytery (2378 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 38 KB)
pdf Report 1R 201906 Docket PSF Meeting DRAFT and Consent Agenda (2383 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 71 KB)
pdf Report 2 201810 PSF Presbytery Minutes (2663 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 433 KB)
pdf Report 20 Coordinating Team 062019 (2464 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 61 KB)
pdf Report 2a 201902 PSF Presbytery Minutes (2444 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 687 KB)
pdf Report 2a 201902 PSF Presbytery Minutes (2476 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 687 KB)
pdf Report 30 MNC Report June 22 2019 (2419 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 158 KB)
pdf Report 4 Stated Clerk Report 062019 (2414 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 17 KB)
pdf Report 4a Amendment to Standing Rules (2436 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.02 MB)
pdf Report 4b Request from Laguna Session (2361 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 27 KB)
pdf Report 4c Presbytery charge Camino Administrative Commission (2278 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 13 KB)
pdf Report 4d Session Records Review for 2019 Part 1 (2341 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 14 KB)
pdf Report 4e Charge to AC for Raton First (2411 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 70 KB)
pdf Report 50 CAT report to Presbytery 062019 (2373 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 37 KB)
pdf Report 60 Revised Finance and Property 201906 (2429 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 57 KB)
pdf Report 60b 2017 Audit (2388 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.78 MB)
pdf Report 60s Annual Report Finance & Property 2018 (2372 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 920 KB)
pdf Report 60s Financials May 2019 (2387 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 922 KB)
pdf Report 60s Financials May 2019 (2269 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 922 KB)
pdf Report 70 Personnel Committee 062019 (2220 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 253 KB)
pdf Total Reports (2318 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 5.48 MB)

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