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Presbyterian Foundation Stewardship Web Resources

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has developed an amazing website to assist congregations and stewardship leaders enrich their local stewardship efforts. As you can see from the sign on page, resources include a calendar scheme that addresses year-round stewardship, with seasonal highlights. Topical themes like planning, stewardship education, and sharing stories of generosity are readily accessible by clicking the appropriate icons.

Further, the site provides tools to develop one’s own narrative budget, and conduct a congregational campaign. Here’s a screenshot:


To create an account and access these helpful resources, navigate to Each church may have multiple users.

Framing the Topic of Stewardship

  • Why do we give? (Orlanda Carr) “That’s when it hit me – for me, generosity and giving are strongly rooted in gratitude…. Our inclination to give, then, finds its source in God’s generosity.”
  • Stewardship: Budget, or Vision? (Rev. Rob Hagan)
    - A visionary church changes lives. A stagnant church meets budget.
    - A visionary church challenges the congregation to meet the needs of the world. A stagnant church pushes people to give out of guilt
    - In a visionary church, giving changes the giver. In a stagnant church, giving balances the budget.
    - In a visionary church, offering is a high moment. In a stagnant church, offering is a time-out.

Rationale for a Narrative Budget, Versus a Line Item Budget

  • Why a narrative budget? (Rev. Rob Hagan)
    A line item budget is an accounting tool. A narrative budget is an aspirational and inspirational
  • The case for narrative church budgets (Raymond Bonwell, Secretary of the PCUSA Board of Pensions)
    “I would suggest that numbers are not the best way to present a church’s priorities for the upcoming year. Stewardship is the means to mission.”

Developing a Narrative Budget for your Congregation

Some Examples of Narrative Budgets

Clips from the 2022 Stewardship Fare available below under Attachments

Additional Resources

  • The Hesitant Herald (Karl Travis)
    Recorded webinar with excellent timeless stewardship ideas from a PCUSA stewardship guru
  • Stewardship Toolbox (The Presbyterian Foundation)
    A host of stewardship as well as other financial resources offered by the Presbyterian Foundation
  • Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate (Rev. Clif Christopher)
    An excellent, readable guide written by an experienced pastor whose focus is on stewardship. He clarifies the 3 reasons people donate: 1) They believe in the mission; 2) they trust the organization; and 3) they value the charity’s financial stability.

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