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Folder 2019-10-19 Presbytery Meeting


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pdf #61 20191016 PoSF 2020 Budget (3045 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 214 KB)
pdf #62 20191015 Per Capita & Mission Church Giving (2848 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 186 KB)
pdf #67 20190930 P & L (2828 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 45 KB)
pdf #67a 20190930 Bud v Act (2852 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 50 KB)
pdf #68 20190930 BS (2855 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 49 KB)
pdf 201910 DRAFT DOCKET Presbytery Meeting (2921 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 291 KB)
pdf Information and Registration 2019 10 19 (2672 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 401 KB)
pdf Report #AR Total Annual Reports 2019 (2802 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.15 MB)
pdf Total Papers Oct 2019 PSF Meeting docx (2879 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 4.44 MB)

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Presbytery of Santa Fe

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