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Folder 2019-02-23 Presbytery Meeting


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pdf Analysis of Amendments to the Constitution GA 2018 (2723 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 35 KB)
document Cuba special offering 2019 (2655 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 25 KB)
pdf FYI 2018 Budget vs Actual (2591 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 47 KB)
pdf FYI 2018 Profit and Loss (2447 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 46 KB)
pdf FYI Advocacy Background Paper Cuba (2629 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 138 KB)
pdf FYI GATHERING of Presbytery PW April 27, 2019 (1) (2449 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 397 KB)
pdf FYI Partnership Trip to Cuba (2401 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 59 KB)
pdf Information and Registration 2019 02 23 (2407 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 759 KB)
pdf Proposed Amendments to the Constitution 2018 (2426 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 213 KB)
pdf Report 10 CPM Report 201902 (2375 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 45 KB)
pdf Report 12 COM Report to Presbytery 201902 (2507 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 28 KB)
pdf Report 12a Asher Dean Faith Statement (2504 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.23 MB)
pdf Report 12b Faith Journey and Statement Jayne Ruiz (2477 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 73 KB)
pdf Report 14 February 2019 CORP Report to Presbytery (2420 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Report 1R 201902 Docket PSF Meeting Draft (2317 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 39 KB)
pdf Report 20 Coordinating Team Report 201902 (2352 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 42 KB)
pdf Report 4 2019 February Presbytery meeting Stated Clerk Report (2258 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 11 KB)
pdf Report 4a Special Administrative Review Committee for First Presbyterian Raton (2281 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 176 KB)
pdf Report 4b 2019 Summary of PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION (2235 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 124 KB)
pdf Report 60 Finance and Property 201902 (1) (2324 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 59 KB)
pdf Report 60a Budget vs Actual 2018 201902 (2329 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 194 KB)
pdf Report 60b Presbytery of Santa Fe Investment Policy Updated, November 20, 2018 (2263 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 112 KB)
pdf Report 62 2018 Per Capita & Mission Church Giving (2377 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 742 KB)
pdf Report 62a 2019 Per Capita & Mission Church Giving 201902 (2328 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 740 KB)
pdf Report 63 2018 Balance Sheet 201902 (2355 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 615 KB)
pdf Total Papers 201902 (2337 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 3.33 MB)

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